Tuesday 6 September 2016

US Presidential poll: Donald Trump pulls ahead of Hillary Clinton 9 weeks away from election (photo)

Ahead of the November 8 US presidential election, Republican party candidate Donald Trump has edged out Hillary Clinton by two points among likely voters, in a new poll organized by CNN/ORC.

Trump tops Clinton 45% to 43% in the new survey, with Libertarian Gary Johnson standing at 7% among likely voters in this poll and the Green Party's Jill Stein at just 2%.

According to CNN, Clinton's lead has largely waned despite a challenging month for Trump, which saw an overhaul of his campaign staff, announcements of support for Clinton from several high-profile Republicans and criticism of his campaign strategy.

Trump's rise in the polls has been attributed to his recent immigration speech where he said illegal immigrants with criminal records will be deported back to their countries and Mexicans will pay for the wall that will be built to divide the U.S from Mexico.

According to the poll, Women choose Clinton (53% to 38%) while men shift Trump's way (54% to 32%). Among women, those who are unmarried make up the core of her support, 73% of unmarried women back Clinton compared with just 36% of married women. Among men, no such marriage gap emerges, as both unmarried and married men favor Trump.

Younger voters support Clinton (54% to 29% among those under age 45) while the older ones are more apt to back Trump (54% to 39% among those age 45 or older). Whites mostly support Trump (55% to 34%), while non-whites favor Clinton

Source: CNN

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