Thursday 23 May 2019

Leaked! Governor Ahmed Caught Packing out of Kwara State Government House.

In the early hours of Wednesday, trucks fully loaded with unknown goods which are suspected to be household appliances belonging to the outgoing Governor of Kwara State were seen moving out of the government house.

Photo was taken by one of our reporters.

Friday 2 June 2017

Bird Flu In 7 States In Nigeria Now (See List Of States)

Dr Gideon Mshelbwala, the Director of Veterinary and Pest Control Services, Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development raised the alert at a meeting with state Commissioners of Agriculture in Abuja on Friday.

According to him, the seven states affected by the outbreak to include:


Mshelbwala said that the way forward to the containment of the disease was to ban importation of poultry and products, quarantine and bio-security measures, among others.

He also warned poultry farmers against illegal vaccination of birds, saying that it was a deadly alternative to the control of the disease.

See How Much The EFCC Has Recovered From Whistleblowing (photos)

The recoveries the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) have made through the whistleblower policy.

$43 million and N23 million recovered from the famous Osborne Towers in Ikoyi, Lagos.

$9.8 million and £74,000 recovered from Former NNPC GMD, Andrew Yakubu.

N445,800,000 recovered from a shop at Legico Shopping plaza, Victoria Island, Lagos.

N250 million recovered in Balogun market.

Lastly, N49 million recovered in Kaduna International Airport.

10 Small Scale Businesses You Can Start With As Low As N5,000

If you are looking for small scale businesses to start with as low as 5,000 naira, you have reached the right place.

Ten small scale businesses you can start with as low as five thousand Naira.

1. Zobo making; Zobo ingredients are not expensive, all you need to do is learn from someone who is good, make your product chilled and clean, set a target market.

2. Tiger nut (Ofio) juice making: Blend Tiger nut (Ofio) with date (dabinu), sieve till it's smooth. Pack in bottles and chill. It's one healthy choice of drink.

3. Fresh fruit blending: Start with two whole deliciously ripe watermelons, blend properly till it's smooth, pack in bottle and chill. You can then start mixing fruits to blend.

4. Tea making (hot and cold): People drink tea when they are out. As long as you are neat and your product is not expensive, people will patronize you. Neatness is key to tea making. Make healthy tea like green tea, coffee (Decaffeinated and caffeinated) along with other beverages.

5. Kunu making: Kunu making is also a great idea, learn from someone who is good at it, pack in a bottle and serve chilled. Be neat with your product.

6. Pap making: Making fresh pap for people who don't have time to make it is also a great business idea. You can add garlic and ginger to the pap to make it unique. Soak the grain in water, wash, blend and sieve till very smooth. Some may order for un-sieved pap.

7. Noodles and egg making: Cooking noodles and egg especially for bachelors, and people at work is a great business idea. All you need is prepare it in a nice way. It's a good thing that noodles is fast and easy to make. You can make your product unique by adding carrots and green peas along with other ingredients.

8. Breakfast making: Cooking breakfast for people going to work is a nice business idea. You can choose pap and moin-moin, Yam and egg or other breakfast meal.

9. Dinner making: Most people come back tired from work, think of the kind of food that will sell fast in your area as dinner alternatives for people.

10 Sliced fruits and milk; This is a really cool and easy business idea. Selling processed mixed variety of fruits entices people and makes your market unique. You can slice pawpaw, watermelon, coconut, apple, pineapple and banana, mix together and add milk to it. Serve chilled.

So all these are small scale business you could venture into with as low as 5,000 naira. You can learn all these processes in a short time, and then you apply proper packaging. Go ahead and make money!

Seuncee produced a forthcoming song by Top OAP featuring ILLBLISS (mp3 download)

Fast rising, young and talented producer,singer/songwriter Seuncee does it again by producing the most anticipated joint by teddy fresh featuring label boss & A list artiste Illbliss.

Dropping soon .......

Keep visiting to download the track when it's out.

Osinbajo Orders Reopening Of N-Power Job Portal (photo)

Acting President Yemi Osinbajo has directed that the online portal of the government’s job initiative, N-Power, be reopened June 17 to allow more unemployed Nigerians apply, the Minister of State, Budget and National Planning, Zainab Ahmed, has said.

Mrs. Ahmed advised youth to apply for the Federal Government’s National Social Investment Programme (N-SIP).

She told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Abuja on Thursday that the government would scale up the N-SIP to accommodate more beneficiaries.

N-SIP is a federal government programme aimed at reducing poverty and improving livelihoods of vulnerable groups such as the unemployed youths, women and children.

The government says the programme has so far empowered over 1.6 million Nigerians through its four components, namely; N-Power, National Home Grown School Feeding Programme, Conditional Cash Transfer, and Government Enterprise and Empowerment Programme.

The minister said each component of the programme would be scaled up this year.

“For example, in N-Power Scheme that 200,000 beneficiaries have been employed, we are supposed to increase it to 500,000 beneficiaries in 2017,” she said.

She said Mr. Osinbajo had directed that the online portal should be reopened on June 17 to give Nigerian youth opportunity to apply for the next batch.

“There is opportunity in the N-Power Programme for employment,” she said.

“There is opportunity in the GEEP for you to get finances to be able to start businesses.

“ Please this is real, it is working, join the process and be a beneficiary,’’ she said.

The minister said the process was delayed initially because of the effort to eliminate fraudulent applicants and to make the process transparent.
She said the programme had not been able to attain its set target because of the delay in starting its actual implementation.

“The deployment, release of funds didn’t start till October 2016 and it is so because we want to make sure that the programme is planned properly.

“We want to make sure that each beneficiary has bank account linked to BVN; we are targeting the right people, not just people nominated by big people.

“That took a lot of time but we thank God that the programme is going on well and it is now easier to upscale it,’’ the minister said.

Mrs. Ahmed said the programme was showcased at the second year commemorative event of the Federal Government under President Muhammadu Buhari on May 29.

She said that the event, with the theme: “A Smile for Every Nigerian,’’ recorded testimonies of beneficiaries across the country.
“We are thanking God for witnessing the confirmation that the work we have done is actually yielding results.

“ Prior to now, we are getting a report on paper that shows the number of beneficiaries but we have seen and heard the testimonies of the beneficiaries at the event,’’ Ahmed said.


Sunday 5 February 2017

12 Common Job Interview Mistakes You Should Avoid

1. Poor preparation.

Basically if you don’t prepare well for anything in life it is always certain that you will always end up with a disastrous outcome and same is true for poor preparation towards your job interview. If for example you were asked a question like “How does your qualifications and experience matches with the position you are applying for’’. Chances are that lack of prior anticipation to answer a question like this may just make you screw up the interview. This simply arose because you did not prepare for such a question. Hence, it very important you prepare adequately by knowing how your experience and qualification matches with the role. There are other things you should know in preparation for your interview. Top 40 Tips to answer tough interview questions tells you more.

2. Late Coming to an Interview.

Going late to an interview is probably one of the biggest mistakes you should avoid. Some interviewer may structure the interview to starts by observing candidates that comes late and may even use that against you during the interview session. Going late to interview has several negative effects one which is not giving you an opportunity to relax your mind before going to meet the interviewer. Research has shown that candidates who go late to interview are most likely to screw up by giving wrong responses because of mood state of mind. Always try to keep to the stated time as announced for the interview. If possible it is always good to arrive at the interview venue 30 minutes before time so that you have enough time to get focus. Try to arrange your travel logistics ahead if the venue for the interview is far so that you do not encounter hiccups on your interview day. Remember time management skills may be part of characteristics the interviewer is looking for and you may not want to give a bad first impression.

3. Shabby Dressing and unkempt look.

Most people do not give much attention to their outlook when embarking on an interview. Your physical outlook matters a lot in defining you are inwardly. It is therefore important that before going for an interview you appear clean, sharp and professional. The general recommended dressing for all interviews is the English suit and tie unless otherwise stated. Ladies can appear on a clean ironed suit with a nicely made hairdo. Do not over dress in other to impress the interviewer. Do not use offensive perfumes and also do not wear bogus earrings or any form of nose rings. Even if the position is not a professional one, it is advisable to appear professional. Dressing says a lot about you and your appearance may just land you the job.

4. Poor communication skills.

Poor communication skills do not always mean your inability to communicate properly but also it could mean your excessiveness in talking too much. An excellent communication skill is critical in all interview process. Most interviewers give much attention to the way you communicate. Your interviewer certainly will be impressed if you are able to communicate efficiently. During the interview always endeavor to keep your eyes on the interviewer and keep yourself at ease by not shaking.

5. Inability to ask Your Interviewer Questions.

One way of making your interviewer know that you are interested about their organization and that you did your homework in terms of researching about their organization is by asking questions that relates to the organization. A good way to know about a company’s profile is by logging onto their website. Company’s websites are good place to obtain information about the company. Always endeavor to ask one or two questions relating to the position you are been interviewed for or the company itself. Failure to ask question leaves negative impression about you to the interviewer.

6. Failure to answer questions.

Pay rapt attention to the questions that you are been asked before answering. You may want to spend some second before responding but always ensure you think before you talk while you do not want to talk before you think. Do not stop to think for a minute before responding as you may consider not been analytical enough or not been a fast thinker. Do not also give wrong answers as this could impede you progressing to the next phase of the interview.

7. Saying Negative Thing About Your Previous Employers.

In no circumstance should you speak badly of your previous employer even if you had a terrible experience working with them. It important you completely avoid saying negative words in regards to your previous jobs. Badmouthing your previous job or boss creates a bad impression about you and may give the interviewer the impression that you may also speak badly of them when you eventually leave their organization.

8. Inability to distinguish yourself.

Inability to convince your employer interviewer on what value you intend to add to their organization may cost you the position been interviewed for. It is advisable to distinguish yourself from the crowd by highlighting what unique experience you are bringing to the position you are applying for.

9. Lack of Adequate Experience on the Role.

It is important that you have enough experience on the role you have applied for as interviewers will ask you to demonstrate relevant experience you have towards handling the position you are been interviewed for. Inability to cite previous working experience or skills related to the position will be seen as not been competent for the role.

10. Do Not Emphasis about Money.

Anticipating about the range of salary you will be paid for the position is good but do don’t create a negative impression by asking about your salary range during your interview when you have not even passed the interview process. Asking such a question does not only creates a bad impression about you but also shows that you are just money conscious and do not really have passion for the job position. Only respond to salary questions when the interviewer asks first.

11. Avoid been loquacious.

Been Loquacious means talking too much. It vital when answering question you go directly to the point. Talking about your life history only makes the interviewer bored. Be concise and hit the nail at the point.

12. Forgetting To Keep in Touch.

After your interview with any firm, there is nothing wrong getting in touch with them after three weeks to ask about the status or outcome of your interview. Some people just forget and assume that they did not do well. Always ensure through been polite to enquire about your interview status. Chances are that they will give you feedback.

Saturday 4 February 2017

Thursday 2 February 2017

Check Out The Fulani Herdsmen Arrested With AK47 and Cutlass in Kaduna (photos)

According to Kude who lives in Kaduna,Fulani men were today arrested by policemen at Samaru Kataf roundabout.2 AKs and 2 cutlasses were recovered from them.They said they were going to Fadan Karshi.He wrote.

'These Fulani men were accosted today February 2, 2017 at about 7:30 AM at the Samaru Kataf roundabout by the gallant and vigilant Police stationed there. They said they were on their on their way to Fadan Karshi. They had two AKs and two cutlasses'

AGAIN: Seun Egbegbe Arrested Trying To Defraud Mallam of N10million (photos, video)

Seun Egbegbe Arrested For Trying To Defraud Mallam Of N10M (video) by Naijahelm : 4:17pm
Nollywood movie director, Seun Egbegbe has been arrested by the Lagos Police for trying to defraud one Mallam of N10M.

Seun Egbegbe was reportedly arrested at Gbagada General hospital, Lagos, trying to rip off a mallam of N10m, while pretending to be a medical doctor.

Seun Egbegbe was beaten by angry mobs and later arrested in November while trying to steal 7 iPhones at computer Village, Ikeja, Lagos.
We believe this not ordinary again.

Wednesday 1 February 2017

Check Premiership Table after This Week's Match (photo)

With Chelsea playing a draw against Liverpool, still seems they are not coming down anytime soon. They still remain strong at the Top.

Check out who is leading who below:

Great Discovery: Nigerian University Finds Final Cure for HIV/AIDS

If claims Professor Francis Otunta are anything to go by, then, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, might have discovered a drug for the treatment and cure of HIV/AIDS.

The Vice Chancellor of the institution located at Umudike in Abia state, has announced the discovery of a drug which he claims is potent in the cure of the epidemic.

Otunta told newsmen at the university campus on Wednesday, February 1, that the finding followed years of scientific research by the institution.

He said that the breakthrough was made by Prof Maduike Ezeibe, a researcher in the university.

According to him, Ezeibe had presented the drug to the University management, Senate and Council, where he explained the processes he went through to arrive at his finding.

The VC also said that Ezeibe had equally presented the drug to his colleagues in the medical field and nobody had contradicted his finding.

“Prof. Ezeibe is a researcher in Veterinary Medicine and one may wonder how he discovered a drug to cure a human ailment,” he said.

He commended Ezeibe for the breakthrough, saying: “He has brought honour to the University and we are proud of him.”

Otunta said that the university was in the process of mass producing the drug for further clinical trials on persons living with HIV/AIDS in the country.

Ezeibe, who is a professor of Veterinary Medicine and Clinical Virology, said that the drug was produced with Aluminum Silicate and Magnesium Silicate (Synthetic Aluminum-Magnesium Silicate).

He said that the two minerals “are already in use as medicines for the treatment of various animal and human diseases”.

He said that 10 persons living with the disease, “who volunteered’’, were made to apply through their doctor to the VC.

“They were treated daily with the Medicinal Synthetic Aluminum-Magnesium Silicate (50 mg/kg),” he said.

Ezeibe said that the volunteers were subjected to monthly tests for viral loads and CD4-lymphocyte counts.

“With the antiviral effects of the medicine, its ability to reach all cells (as nanoparticles) and the lymphocytes, there is no more hiding place (sanctuary) for HIV,” he said.

He said that the medicine had been used to potentiate Ampicilin, Chloroquine, Piperazine and Sulphadimidin, among others, and could be a major foreign exchange earner for Nigeria, if approved by relevant authorities.

According to him, “local and international medical companies will find the product as a veritable raw material”.

Ezeibe said that he presented the research findings to the World Virology Conference in Atlanta in 2015, and Antonio (Texas) in 2016.

Besides, he said that the results of the laboratory tests had been published in many international scientific journals, including the British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research, among several others.

He said that he is also about to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with a U.S.-based Scientific Research Publishing, publishers of World Journal of AIDS, for the publication of his book

“How I came about the cure for HIV/AIDS”.
Ezeibe, who said that the medicine was patented in August 2014 in Nigeria, called on the Federal Government to help him to secure international patency for the drug.

He said: “If commercialised, the Medicinal Synthetic Aluminum-Magnesium Silicate would become an alternative for petroleum to the Nigerian economy.”

Odunlade Adekola Promoting Gay in Nigeria, Check Out Why He might be Gay (photos)

On the 27th of January, a trailer for a Nollywood movie 'Daudu' was released online and it attracted a lot of interest. Why? Because of the role played by popular versatile actor, Odunlade Adekola. In the clip, he's seen playing the role of a young, unmarried gay man whose parents are not in any way pleased with his sexuality.

Now, while some Nigerians laughed at the role, a few others criticized the supposed promotion of homosexuality.

When news crew reached out to the actor for better clarification and he made it clear that the movie was just a make believe, with a certain message to be passed.

Asked how he felt playing the role of a feminine gay man, Odunlade said:

"I am not the one that produced the movie but it was directed by me. As a matter of fact, I played the lead role.. As a director, If you get any script, you just have to study/digest the script, understand what the demands are and know where to contribute. That is what I did."

Asked about his response to those criticizing his role after watching just the trailer, Odunlade said:
"I haven't really seen the criticisms from people and you know a movie is make believe. It is also done to correct a lot of impressions and make people understand more about certain topics. I haven't seen anyone criticize me or any of my jobs (roles). Critics should take time to watch the movie, study it very well and understand what we are trying to say in the movie. We are preaching that what happened in the movie that made the lead actor (Odunlade Adekola) to be a gay man is not good. That's the real message."

"I love Nigerians and all who have supported the industry. I am not against anybody or trying to tackle or fight anyone," Odunlade said.

Source: lindaikejisblog

See What Adeboye Said About Leadership in Church (photo

The General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God , Worldwide , Pastor Enoch Adeboye , has said there is dearth of good leadership in the country, adding that the church is the worst hit.

Adeboye explained that the problem of corruption in Nigeria was traceable to lack of contentment and greed.

The cleric spoke on Wednesday in Ikeja , Lagos , during the Third Annual Birthday Public Lecture organised by the church to commemorate his 75 th birthday.

Adeboye , who was represented by his wife , Folu , expressed sadness at the lack of true leadership in the society , calling for a return to cultural values.

He said , “ Leadership is at the core of our problem in this nation. Some people sit in their room and comment on newspaper articles , but have you removed the log in your eyes?
“If there is anywhere leadership should be recommended, it should be from the church. But it is unfortunate that the worst leadership is from the church . We should go and check ourselves. Are we in true leadership or we are in falsehood ? Because this has been the groaning of my heart for many years and I pray about it fervently.

“I challenge the leaders in this church that what the Bible says about elders , I have not seen it. But things are changing and I want us to be part of that change.

“The problem of corruption which we have in this nation would not have been there if everybody is contented with what he or she has . But people love to do more than they have . They want to show off to their children , and the children also when they get to school or are with their colleagues, are not satisfied because they were not brought up to be satisfied.”

Adeboye appealed to elders in the society to live in a way befitting of their status, adding that women should also train their children to positively influence their future.

The guest speaker , Pastor Femi Atoyebi, who spoke on the theme, ‘ Excellent Leadership in Pluralistic and Ethno - religious Society like Nigeria , ’ lamented the decline in societal values and loss of respect for leadership and the constitution.

Atoyebi, a Senior Advocate of Nigeria , called for a separation between the office of the Attorney General of the Federation and Minister of Justice in order to ensure that no one is above the law.
He said , “ As long as there is no procedure in place to enforce the law against whoever breaches it, there will continue to be impunity. Even if it is the President , if we have people that can stand up to him , then we will move forward.

“ I have always advocated a system where we have an independent attorney general . We can have an attorney general that stands for an election and canvasses for votes , promising to defend the constitution and enforce the law . If a president or governor makes a law that is not right , he goes to court to challenge it.

“ But as long as the President fills the office of the attorney general and that of minister of justice, things cannot move forward. And to do this , you will have to approach the National Assembly “ to rewrite the constitution , which is impossible at this point . ”

See The Nigerian Village Where Women Wears no Cloths (photos)

This is a remote community in Birnin Amina in Rijau Local Government Area in Niger state, where villagers including the old and young (mostly women) go unclad due to thier inability to get clothes.

An NGO -Sapphire Foundation has adopted the community -giving clothes and necessary materials to the villagers who were excited to receive them.

Preparation to build a school in the village is also underway.

Big Brother Naija: Check Out What Happened Between Soma and Biggy Yesterday (photo)

Big Brother Naija housemate Soma received a strike from Biggie yesterday.

Biggie had warned Soma yesterday of being sluggish and wasting time whenever he is called in the diary room. Only for him to repeat the same mistake yesterday.

When he entered the diary room, Biggie told him “remember no housemate is allowed to keep Big Brother waiting!!!!” Soma tried to argue with Biggie and got his first strike in the Big Brother Naija house.

Two more strikes will lead to his immediate disqualification from the house.

Wow! Beyonce announces she's pregnant with twins! Shows off her baby bump (photo)

OMG! Beyonce and Jay Z are expecting twins. The singer just took to her IG page to announce the joyful news.

They already have a 5 year old daughter, Blue Ivy. Big congrats to them! Her mum, Tina Knowles also shared the good news on IG...

Breaking News: 2 Politicians and A Traditional Arrested For Sponsoring Boko Haram Terrorists (photo)

The theatre commander, Operation Lafiya Dole, Maj. Gen. Lucky Irabor, confirms the arrests but stopped short of disclosing the identities of the suspects for security reasons

Two prominent politicians and a traditional ruler affiliated with the Boko Haram group have been arrested during a military raid in Borno state.

It was reported that the politicians, who are known in government circle, were arrested early this week by detectives and troops from Operation Lafiya Dole, the counter-insurgency military team.!

A source disclosed that one of the arrested alleged collaborators who is also an Islamic spiritualist, had fled the state when he learnt military men were on his trail.

He was however arrested along Maiduguri-Jos Road, on his way to one of the north central states.

A second suspect was said to be a thug often called ECOMOG in Borno and an aide to some politicians in the state, according to military source.

A military personnel disclosed that a traditional ruler from a Borno community and two popular Islamic clerics were among those arrested following intelligence about their alleged link with Boko Haram.

"More revelations are coming and more people may be arrested in days to come , the source said.

Check Out 83 Nigerians Deported From United Kingdom (photo)

No fewer than 83 Nigerians are expected to arrive in the country on Wednesday (today) following their deportation from the United Kingdom.
It was gathered that those deported were residents whose documents had expired and prisoners whose terms of imprisonment were nearing completion.

Speaking on the issue, The spokesperson for the National Emergency Management Agency, South-West Zone, Ibrahim Farinloye, said the deportees arrived the Murtala Muhammed International Airport at 7:40 am today.

According to Farinloye, some of the prisoners in the plane would complete their jail terms in Nigeria.

He said, “We were informed that 83 Nigerians would be deported from the United Kingdom on Wednesday morning. Some of the people affected are those who haven’t completed their prison sentences. They would be taken to Nigerian prisons to complete their terms. Although we cannot tell the various offences, we believe others could be drug-related and immigration problems.

“We expect that when they arrive in the country, we would be able to know the real reason for their deportation. The aircraft is expected to arrive in the country at 5am at the Murtala Muhammed International Airport.”

We’ve Recovered Sensitive Boko Haram Documents—lai MOHAMMED

The Federal Government, yesterday in Abuja, said it had recovered some sensitive documents and treasure of the Boko Haram in the Sambisa Forest.

The Minister of Information and Culture, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, who disclosed this, said the items, including the propaganda strategy of the sect, was discovered from the materials left behind by the terrorists after they were routed from their last stronghold in the forest.

Lai Mohammed The minister, therefore, called on the media and the public to be vigilant, saying “the decimated group has shifted its strategy towards dominating the media space, propagating a perverted version of Sharia law and giving the impression that it is still holding territory.” He also appealed to the public and the media to ensure that they do not “unwittingly provide the terrorists with the oxygen of publicity that they desperately need.

“We must all unite against terrorism by denying Boko Haram our platforms to propagate its ideology. Both the media and the citizens have important roles to play in complementing our Armed Forces, which are combining land and air resources to completely clear the vestiges of Boko Haram.”

Source: vanguardngr

Tuesday 31 January 2017

Hausa Trader Kills Yoruba Driver Over N30 In Lagos

There was chaos on Monday on Mojeed Sanni Street, in the Igando area of Lagos State, after a 40-year-old Hausa trader, Ibrahim Adamu, allegedly killed a bus driver, Lekan Adeleke.

Some residents and friends of the victim made a bonfire on the road as they chased away Hausa traders in the community, threatening to avenge the killing.

The men were on the rampage when policemen from the Igando division, led by the Divisional Police Officer, Olatunji Ajimuda, stormed the area.
The police team reportedly took Adeleke’s corpse to a mortuary, while the suspect, who was saved from being mobbed to death, was taken to the Area M command.

It was gathered that the deceased had bought noodles worth N230 from the suspect’s son on Sunday around 10.30pm.

He was reported to have paid N200 and promised to pay the balance of N30 the following day, which didn’t go down well with the suspect’s son.

The son allegedly reported to his father, Adamu, who became angry and attacked 30-year-old Adeleke with a spiked plank.

The victim reportedly slumped and hit his head against the concrete edge of a gutter in the area.

A friend of the victim, Kehinde Akinduro, said Adamu had a kiosk where he sold confectioneries, while the son sold noodles beside the kiosk.

He explained that Adeleke had actually paid the balance of N30 to the suspect’s son.

He said, “He was joking with the boy that despite being a customer, he went and reported him to his father. They started abusing each other. At this time, the son was already preparing noodles for me on the instruction of Adeleke.

“The next thing I saw was that Adamu, who was eavesdropping, brought out a spiked plank and hit Adeleke with it. I cautioned him, but he faced me and hit me in the leg. I sustained some injuries.

“When Adeleke saw that he could no longer handle the situation, he took to his heels. But the man followed him and hit him in the head as he tried to jump the gutter. He fell and hit his head against the edge of the gutter.

“When Adamu saw that he had become unconscious, he took him into his kiosk and poured water on his head. He was doing this when a large number of residents stormed the place. When he sighted them, he abandoned the man and took to his heels.”

He said the suspect, speaking in Hausa, asked his son to flee in another direction.
“The boy escaped, but we were able to get Adamu. We called the police and handed him over to them,” he added.

The mob was said to have destroyed Adamu’s kiosk and set it on fire after Adeleke died around 12am on Monday.

It was learnt that the victim and the suspect had a close relationship.
One of Adeleke’s close friends, Tunde, said the victim once protected Adamu from a robbery attack.

“But Adamu is ill-tempered,” he added.
Tunde appealed for support for Adeleke’s family members, whom he said depended solely on him.
Our correspondent was told that the victim had recently bought a piece of land in Ogun State where he planned to build a house for his wife and nine-year-old daughter.

A bus driver, who did not want to be identified, said the policemen from the Igando division handled the situation maturely.

“The DPO spoke with the protesters. He released N15,000 for the corpse to be deposited in a morgue,” he added.

A source said a mob invaded the Igando Police Station in a bid to lynch the suspect.
He said the DPO quickly transferred the suspect to the Area M Command.

The Police Public Relations Officer, SP Dolapo Badmos, said investigations were ongoing.
She said, “It was a case of murder. One Adamu used a plank to hit a bus driver, Adeleke, in the head which led to his death. The corpse was deposited in the Mainland General Hospital morgue for autopsy.

“Meanwhile, we have intensified patrol in the area as normalcy has been restored.”

Source: punchng

Vacancy! UBA Recruitment for fresh graduates

United Bank for Africa Plc (UBA) is one of Africa’s leading financial institutions, with operations in 20 African countries and 3 global financial centres: London, Paris and New York. From a single country organisation founded in 1949 in Nigeria UBA has grown to become a pan-African provider of financial services with over 11 million customers, through close to 1000 business offices and touch points globally.

Applications are invited for the position below:

Job Title: Customer Service Officer
Location: Lagos Island, Lagos, Nigeria
Job Type: Full Time

Industries: Banking / Finance & Investment
Role and Responsibilities

- Handle customer enquiries professionally in line with stated service level agreements with other departments, respond to complaints / enquiries in a timely and courteous manner and demonstrate an effective feedback mechanism in the course of duty

- Log in all queries using Group Response Portal (GRP) or any other CRM application at all times.

- Download and handling of all open calls assigned on GRP.

- Follow CS (Customer Service) policies, processes and procedures in the performance of their duty at all times.

- Escalate unresolved issues to the Team Lead. In the absence of the Team Lead, an immediate notification to the Head Customer Operation is mandatory.

- Report system problems promptly to the Team Lead. Agent is fully responsible for his/ her operational tools and he / she is fully responsible for the upkeep of assigned work tools.

- Promote interaction and communication among Divisions to increase effectiveness and understanding of the Customer service

- Monitor personal call data and use it as a tool for continuous improvement.
Education Requirements

- Minimum Educational level- Diploma (OND/HND) in any social science or Art related discipline.

- Professional qualification in contact Centre management, customer service, operations, quality management would be an advantage

Other Requirement:

Age: 27 years

Application Closing Date
13th February, 2017.

¬Method of Application

Interested and qualified candidates should Click here

National Protest Timetable and Meeting Points

“The organizer of the proposed National protest which is aimed at forcing the government to either perform or relinquish power has given more details of the protest”.

“A message was sent out to social media last week calling for a National protest by a group, and ever since then, the support and acceptance has continued to grow which cut across all Nigerians, some famous celebrities such as Tuface, Rugged Man, Davido, Wizkid, Kate Henshaw, Arewa Celebrities e.t.c have come openly to lend their voices to support the pro Nigeria protest”.

“Nigerian people are extremely fed up with the leadership style of President Buhari who the people had taught to be the messiah, however their hopes were dashed when he became President, the nation has continued to suffer a huge economic downturn which hurts the people so much, poverty has taken a sharp occupation and spiral effect in the lives of most Nigerians, recession, ethnic division, religious persecutions, terrorism, corruption and everything Buhari campaigned against has taken a double portion in his government”.

“These are the reasons the people wants to take to the streets in Nigeria to say Enough is Enough to the clueless and wicked government to pave way for a better leadership that can take the country out of the wood”.

“it was gathered that the Protest will take place both Online and offline simultaneously, the online protest is billed to be anchored by a Pro-Democracy group, Wailing Wailers, and it is hope that the protest will drive home its points and achieve its purpose”.

See Message Below from the organizer:

“ARE YOU TIRED? #BuhariMustGo Protest!!!
February 5th protest across Nigeria will kick off by 9.00am at the following venues on February 5th, 2017:

LAGOS – Convergence Point is New Afrikan Shrine at Agidingbi, Ikeja. Will march all the way to Gani Fawehinmi Park, Ojota.

ABUJA – To converge at Unity Fountain, Abuja.

PORT HARCOURT – To converge at Isaac Boro Park, Port Harcourt.

KANO – Rumfa Primary School, Enugu Road, Sabon Gari , Kano.

I Will Join Tuface and Others In Nationwide Protest - Ayodele Fayose

Ekiti State governor, Ayo Fayose, on Monday said he will be partaking in the upcoming nationwide protest led by Innocent ‘Tuface’ Idibia.

In a post on his Twitter handle shortly after 10:00 p.m., Mr. Fayose said the organisers have his full backing to launch the protest which they said will be “massive”.

“To organisers of Feb. 5 “Enough is Enough” National Protest, you have my total support and I will be part of the protest,” the governor said.

Mr. Fayose is the latest public figure to queue behind the organisers of the demonstration, which is expected to hold simultaneously in different cities across the country.

Mr. Idibia, while announcing the protest last week, said the Buhari administration’s rudderlessness has left too many Nigerians languishing in poverty with little to be hopeful for about the future.

The police said they have been duly informed about the protest and will provide security for all participants, although the government called for patience and understanding amongst Nigerians.

Source: premiumtimesng

Sunday 22 January 2017

Revealed: The Lady Behind the Camera of Miss Anambra Leaked Tape (photos)

Nigerians have definitely not heard the last about the leaked uncut video of Miss Chidinma Okeke, a former beauty queen, and another lady in a compromising situation.

Recently, Miss Chidinma was made to appear in court to testify against one of her blackmailers as it was increasingly becoming obvious that she was cajoled into carrying out the shameful act.

To further buttress these claims, a legal practitioner, Barrister Chukwuemeka Ugwuonye, who doubles as one of the advocates fighting the cause of the young lady, has now released a picture of the lady alleged to be behind the whole blackmail.

Miss Emoka is the lady allegedly behind the leaked carnality video involving Miss Chidinma Okeke.

In a post on a group simply identified as the Due Process Advocates (DPA), Barrister Ugwuonye wrote: "The name of the girl behind the camera in the Chidinma Okeke s*x video scandal is Jane Emoka.

"She was a diploma student of Nnamdi Azikiwe University at the relevant time. She was the one through which the principal figure sold the idea of making a s*x video to Chidinma and her roommate, Ada. Jane was the one that used her phone camera to make the video.

"Jane is the owner of the hand that is seen in the video opening the girls' legs. She also participated in the s*x act. However, she was edited out of the video before it was uploaded on the internet. Why was she edited out? We know the answer to that. The original video was edited at the ABS media studio.

"We know who edited it and we know who uploaded it on the internet and how that person did it. We have complete information on what happened - how the videos were made, who made the video, why they were made, the chain of custody, and the person that edited the video. It is quite a fascinating story of deep intrigues. But it is not what you thought. We are the best investigators in Africa. We now what happened from A to Z.

"The picture below is the picture of Ms. Jane Emoka is shown below. For your information, the man that owned the bank account in which Chidinma and Ada were blackmailed into depositing money was arraigned in Lagos recently.

"That man is now in Kirikiri prison on a remand while waiting to perfect his bail application. It is surprising that none of the suspected big wigs behind his game are coming forward to help him now. The small thief now seems to stand alone."

TB JOSHUA Releases Another Prophesy For Donald Trump After Taking Oat of Office

It could be recalled that the new President of America, Donald Trump was inaugurated and sworn in on Friday, January 20, in Washington and the whole world witness the memorable handing over of Barrack Obama.

Just in second day in office, popular Nigerian pastor and founder of Synagogue Church, TB Joshua, revealed his prophecy about the new president of America, Donald Trump.
The prophecy which was posted to the church’s Facebook handle on Saturday, January 21, revealed how the incumbent president of America will face a lot of challenges and have issues ruling the state.

The prophecy says:

“Recall Prophet T.B. Joshua’s prophecy on November 6th 2016: ‘Ten days ago I saw the new President of America with a narrow win. The new President will be facing several challenges over many issues, including passing bills, attempts to possibly pass a vote of no confidence on the new President. That boat of the new President will be rocked .”

This has generated a lot of positive and negative reactions of the church’s Facebook handle but many believed and supported the man of God.

Saturday 21 January 2017

Premiership Table (Check Out Who is Topping)

Premiership Table As at Today

What's your take on the table line up

Is Buhari Really Dead In UK (Check Out Details)

Presidency dispels death rumour, says Buhari alive

There was consternation in several quarters in Abuja and beyond over the weekend as rumours circulated that President Muhammadu Buhari had passed on at a London hospital where he was said to be receiving treatment .

As the day wore on , the rumours gained ground after a news website published a story that the President was dead . The rumour soon spread like wild fire in different parts of the country with many Nigerians making frantic phone calls to ascertain the story’ s accuracy.

The presidency however said on Saturday that there was no truth in the news .

Buhari had on Thursday travelled to London , United Kingdom , after writing to the National Assembly that he would be proceeding on a vacation and that Vice - President Yemi Osinbajo would be performing the duties of the President while he was away.

“ The report is hogwash, ” the Special Adviser to the President on Media and Publicity , Femi Adesina , simply said when our correspondent contacted him .

Adesina also denied the report on his Twitter handle , praying for those behind it to repent .
“ Best wishes to all who wish PMB well . As for those who carry evil rumours , may they receive grace to repent , ” he said .

The Senior Special Assistant to the President on Media and Publicity , Garba Shehu , also took to his Twitter handle to deny the report .

Shehu wrote , “ He is alive and well. President Buhari is not magical . He cannot be holidaying in the UK and be in Germany , dead or alive at the same time .

“ He is unlike a past president , who was at Ota with Chief Olusegun Obasanjo and attending the Trump inauguration in DC, being in two places at the same time. ”

Shortly after the rumor began to spread on Saturday, our correspondent observed that the President ’ s family members were unperturbed in Aso Rock .

A member of the House of Representatives , Mr . Saidu Sani - Fago , who represents Daura / Mai ’ Adua/Sandamu Federal Constituency of Katsina State also dismissed worries over Buhari ’ s health status , saying that the President was fit . ”

The lawmaker spoke further , “ Mr . President is fit and sound . He is taking a 10 - day vacation and he wants to seize the opportunity to see his doctors.

“ This is normal . He did it last year. ”

English Premier League Results for Saturday 21st January


Bournemouth 2 ( King 48 , Afobe 82 ) Watford 2 ( Kabasele 24 , Deeney 64 )

Crystal Palace 0 Everton 1 ( Coleman 87 )

Liverpool 2 ( Firmino 55 , 69 ) Swansea 3 (Llorente 48 , 52 , Sigurdsson 74 )

Manchester City 2 (Sane 49 , De Bruyne 54 ) Tottenham 2 (Alli 58 , Son 77 )

Middlesbrough 1 ( Stuani 27 ) West Ham 3 ( Carroll 9 , 43 , Calleri 90 + 4 )

Stoke 1 (Mata 19 - og ) Manchester United 1 (Rooney 90 + 4 )

West Brom 2 (Fletcher 30 , Brunt 36 ) Sunderland 0


Arsenal v Burnley ( 1415 GMT )

Chelsea v Hull ( 1630 GMT )

Southampton v Leicester (1200 GMT )

Top 5 Reasons Ladies Cheat In Relationships

Dear readers,in my own view despite my research into feminine soul,I have not been able to answer the great question that has never been answered::: What does a woman want? I have realised that the number of ladies who cheats in relationships are gone up by a substantial margin, that maybe it is now time to dissect the reasons behind this worrying trend..Do you know that 60% of ladies cheats in a relationship. Why? Are ladies easy to trick or are they just confused?
As a lady,here are some reasons ladies cheat most in my own view..

1.Ladies cheats to fill the emotional void that’s empty

This happens as a result when her boyfriend neglects her or the sexual prefernces are too different. Some guys need booze and a sexy girl to cheat.Ladies will feel vulnerable for that..We feel vulnerable for the smallest of reasons and circumstances. You know we are fragile and our heart is flexible. And in this process,if another guy makes a move at that time,then she’s gone because he will be able to sleep with her that time.

2.Ladies get attracted to any man who makes her feel good

Hello ladies here! I think you can all reason with this point of mine..I am gonna explain this with a typical example.

For instance, before accepting to a guy’s proposal,you will notice that he’s extraordinary caring and loving to you.
He will tell you sweet things,bombard you with calls and texts, that’s probably before proposing.But after accepting to his proposal,he minimises those things,he stop calling you like before,,no text msessages as before,though,he still cares…But you will feel confused at times and curious.. Am I making sense? Along that time,if u luckily find a guy that’s more sweet,cares for you than him,give you calls and take you out,,you will surely fall for him….

3. Feeling neglected,ignored and unappreciated

When you ignore your woman’s needs especially the emotional and intimate wants,her moods towards you will surely change drastically more than they do when her estrogen and progesterone levels fluctuate on every ovulation.
As witnessed in the post above,the reasons why ladies cheats is propagated emotional factors.Remember that many guys in there optimum to impress will always lure a woman with sweet words and total attention.If you fail to attend to your lady’s needs and offer a listening ear,she will cheat on you because she will feel more appreciated and wanted elsewhere.

4.She wants to have a secret

Yes!…Some people are weird in their own way and think it is important or even exhilarating to at least have some that they know they can carry to their graves. There are many reasons that make even contemplating to reverse the trends an attempt in futility. These reasons are what drive most ladies to cheat.


My last reason why ladies cheat in relationship is because they want to get back on their partner who might have cheated. This is done out of the desire to prove that she is desirable and that the wayward partner is lucky to have what he apparently does not seen to appreciate!!!..

In a nutshell,my points above are based on *Trust*…Relationship without trust is fruitless. It is valueless ..Let’s embrace Love and trust!
Let’s all build Love on Trust!

Top MMM Guider CHUDDY UGORJI has Fled the Country With Wife.

Reports making the rounds are that top MMM Nigeria guider Chuddy Ugorji may have fled the country with his wife for a country abroad.

Seems Chuddy Urgorji has really fled Nigeria this time
Although NaijaCry could not independently confirm the reports, the internet is awash with myriad of reports claiming that Chuddy has reportedly fled to the Philippines in South East Asia.

"Do you know that Chuddy Ugorji made over N5bn within a year? I heard that he has relocated to Philippine as MMM ask members to provide help before they can get their money. Odikwa risky o!” a Facebook user Smith Ibe wrote.

The reports are not confirmed and they are resurfacing about a month after Chuddy denied them and also told Nigerians that he was in the same ship with them as a guider when the accounts of participants were frozen.

He said: "MMM founder is a Russian Sergey Mavrodi not a Philippines .i have never been to Philippines, the stories about going to the Philippines are untrue. i stand for the true ideology of MMM which is anchored on providing and getting help willingly.”

Friday 20 January 2017

You’re Now Wiser After Leaving Office, Obasanjo Tells Jonathan (Check Full Details)

Former President Goodluck Jonathan yesterday sneaked into Ibogun ,Ogun State, the ancestral village of one of his predecessors in office,and an architect of his defeat in the 2015 election, ex – President Olusegun Obasanjo.

The rare meeting between the duo who were bitterly divided in the run-up to the election saw Obasanjo tell his host how wise he (Jonathan) had become since leaving office.

“When leaders come, they have little or no experience. When they have to go is when they have really amassed a lot of experience, where they have wisdom, their experience is in high demand.

“Those like you and me who have the grace of God to bow out gracefully, if there is now what I call constitutional office, we have residual responsibilities for Nigeria,”Obasanjo said.

With Jonathan on the trip, which observers branded as fence mending yesterday ,were former Minister of Special Duties, Tanimu Kabir Turaki; a former Minister of National Planning, Prof. Suleiman Abubakar; King A.J.Turner ;and a former Chairman of the Federal Roads Maintenance Agency( FERMA), Engr. Jide Adeniji.
They flew into the village in a chartered helicopter at about 11.30am.

The visit lasted about four hours of which Obasanjo and Jonathan alone spoke behind closed doors for 40 minutes.

No member of Jonathan’s entourage or Obasanjo’s associates was allowed into the inner room where the secret talks took place.

One source said yesterday that the visit was part of Jonathan’s new rapprochement with some of the key figures that had a hand in his defeat in the April 2015 polls.

Obasanjo received his visitor in company with former Governor of Osun State, Prince Olagunsoye Oyinlola, who was ousted as National Secretary of the then ruling PDP by Jonathan and his loyalists.

Obasanjo took Jonathan round the village for a door-to-door greeting of the elders and the residents.

The people sang and danced in appreciation of Jonathan’s visit.

Obasanjo, welcoming Jonthan, said: “The first point I want to make is to thank you very sincerely and most sincerely for taking it upon yourself to pay us a visit at this point in time and at this location. Secondly, since you left office, you hardly have time to sit down and relax like you have been able to do today and I hope, I sincerely hope and pray for more such relaxed situation where we can reminisce on situations of the past that we have been through in this country and we can also look at what the future portends.

“I believe that not only Nigeria, West Africa and Africa and indeed the world will continue to tap our experiences, our wisdom and I hope and pray that when the call is made to you, you will be more than ready to put your experience, the lessons you have learnt into the service of this country, for African and indeed for humanity in general.

“ I have said to you before and I will say again that there are plenty of opportunities out there, within the country, within West Africa, within Africa and indeed in the larger world where people will want you to make contributions.

“I believe that you are resting now and when you have fully rested and you will be hearing from me because I have this opportunity to be around the world and if I mention your name in dispatch, I thank you sincerely that you have received us as we are in this village to prove to you that we are in a typical village, I was telling you that your village is better than mine.

“I want to say that we have it. Nigeria is a good country and we must never be tired of lifting the country up to the height that God has created it to be and God did not make a mistake when he put all of us together and if He doesn’t want us to be together no power in the world will have made us come together.

“My regards to everybody at home, especially your wife. Please, tell her that my wife sends her regards and I hope sooner or later we will be on your part of the world to enjoy the atmosphere together. I want to thank you on behalf of everyone here in this village.”

Explaining his mission,Jonathan said he had planned to visit Obasanjo during the yuletide in company with former military ruler, General Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida (IBB), but the plan fell through owing to unforeseen circumstances.
He said the idea came about when he visited Babangida in Minna when the two of them agreed to come to Ibogun.

Jonathan thanked Obasanjo for the warm reception accorded him and entourage.

Thereafter, Obasanjo and Jonathan retired to one of the sittings rooms for “strictly personal talks for 40 minutes.”

Talks over, Obasanjo and one of his friends launched into the popular Yoruba game of ayo.
Jonathan watched as the game went.
A source at the meeting said he was “full of admiration” for it.

It was not immediately clear if the trip was part of the ongoing political realignment for 2019 general elections.

But a top source simply said: “It is a reunion of Papa and his son. Do not read any meaning into it.

“The ex-President decided to make it a private visit in order to be able to have frank talks with Obasanjo.

“During the visit, Obasanjo and Jonathan locked themselves up for 40 minutes. No member of Jonathan’s entourage nor Obasanjo’s associates in Ibogun was allowed to be part of the private session.

“All I can tell you is that the two leaders were able to iron out a few things and Jonathan has since returned to Yenagoa, Bayelsa State.”

“At the end of the visit, ex-Minister Turaki, who is the Chairman of ex-Ministers Forum, gave the vote of thanks.”

Jonathan started out as Obasanjo’s political godson having been plucked out of office as Bayelsa State governor to become presidential running mate in the 2007 election.

He went on to become president, following the death of President Umaru Yar’Adua and won the 2011 election.

The parting of ways came in 2015, following persistent disagreements between them with Obasanjo launching vitriolic attacks on Jonathan culminating in the tearing of his membership card of the PDP and openly campaigning against Jonathan’s re-election.

They had not seen eye to eye since then until yesterday.


EFCC & SEC Takes Action on Ponzi Scheme MMM (Check out Details)

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) have agreed to jointly fight Ponzi schemes in the country

The two commissions have signed an agreement to pull resources together to jointly combat the unlawful schemes in Nigeria

Their agreement is posing a threat to the operation of MMM, one of the most widely known Ponzi scheme in Nigeria

The operation of MMM in Nigeria is under threat as the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission and the Security and Exchange Commission have agreed to pull resources to attack Ponzi schemes in the country.

The MMM, which has been operating in Nigeria for over a year, has been seen as a Ponzi scheme that has no regulation in Nigeria.

SEC, EFCC to jointly fight Ponzi schemes
Although the Nigeria Police has said they cannot go after operators of the scheme because the government has not given them authority to do so and no report has been received from members of the public over the activities of promoters of the scheme.

But the agreement entered by the two commissions to attack Ponzi schemes in the country is a threat to the operations of the scheme.

Donald Trump Officially Sworn in As 45th US President (photos)

Donald Trump becomes 45th president as protests turn violent in Washington DC.

Donald Trump has been officially sworn in as the 45th president of the United States.

The inauguration took place outside US Capitol in Washington, DC on Friday, ushering in a new political era.

"Together we will determine the course of America and the world for many, many years to come," Trump said in his inaugural speech.
"We will face challenges, we will confront hardships, but we will get the job done."

He added: "For too long a small group in our nations capital has reaped the rewards of government. Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth."

He also pledged to unite the world against "radical Islam".

After finishing his inaugural speech, Barack Obama, the outgoing president, tapped his shoulder and said, "Good job, good job".

Trump, a 70-year old businessman, has no previous political experience. He is a former reality TV star whose campaign dominated headlines over his shocking comments on minorities, women and rival politicians.

During the run up to the November 8 election, he promised to ban Muslims from entering the US. He also called for a wall to deter Mexicans from travelling to America. Later, a recording of him saying that he grabs women's genitals when the mood takes him was leaked.

Speaking at the inauguration, Chuck Shumer, a senator from New York, said that America is now living in a "challenging and tumultuous time" ahead of the oaths.

"Faith in our government, our institutions and even our country can erode," he said. "Today we celebrate one of democracy's core attributes: the peaceful transfer of power."

Chief Justice John Roberts administered the oath of office, which was witnessed by Trump's wife, the First Lady Melania Trump.

Mike Pence, vice president, was also sworn in ahead of a crowd of an estimated 900,000 people.


About 28,000 security personnel, kilometres of fencing, street barricades, and trucks laden with sand were part of the security cordon around eight-square kilometres of central Washington for the ceremony.

In Washington, DC, anti-Trump protesters were pepper-sprayed by police officers in sporadic clashes.

Black-clad activists protesting Trump's inauguration smashed shop and car windows in the capital on Friday and fought with police in riot gear who responded with pepper spray and stun grenades.

About 500 people, some wearing masks and kerchiefs over their faces, marched through the city's downtown, breaking the windows of a Bank of America branch, a McDonald's outlet and a Starbucks shop, all symbols of the American capitalist system.

The crowd, which carried at least one sign that read "Make Racists Afraid Again", also vandalised several cars and hurled trash cans and newspaper vending boxes into the streets before being largely dispersed by police.

"The message I want to send is that Trump does not represent this country. He represents the corporate interests," said Jessica Reznicek, a 35-year-old Catholic aid worker from Des Moines, Iowa, who participated in a peaceful march.

Not far from the White House, protesters scuffled with police, at one point throwing aluminum chairs at an outdoor cafe.

Earlier, liberal activists with a separate group called Disrupt J20 intermittently blocked multiple security checkpoints leading to the largest public viewing area for the ceremony. Several were led away by police.

Disrupt J20 protest organiser Alli McCracken, 28, of Washington, said the group was voicing opposition to Trump's discriminatory comments about women, undocumented immigrants and Muslims.

"We have a lot of people of diverse backgrounds who are against US imperialism and we feel Trump will continue that legacy," McCracken said on a gray morning with light rain.

Trump supporters also flooded into the capital, many sporting shirts and hats bearing his "Make America Great Again" campaign slogan.

Other protests and demonstrations took place across the country, and in the rest of the world.


Gambia: Jammeh Finally Surrenders, Asks For Shift In 4pm Deadline To Pack Out of Government House

Embattled out-gone President Yahya Jammeh of The Gambia has asked a shift in deadline of midday to 4pm to vacate office as ECOWAS soldiers close on him.

Government sources said the request was made when the leaders of Guinea and Mauritania arrived in the capital, Banjul, in a last-ditch diplomatic effort to get him to cede power.

A regional military force that crossed the border in support of his democratically elected successor, Adama Barrow, was awaiting orders on Friday.

Marcel Alain de Souza, chair of the west African union Ecowas, said troops would force Jammeh out if he refused to leave the country.

The West African troops entered the Gambia on Thursday night, hours after Barrow was forced to hold his inauguration as president in Dakar, the capital of Senegal.

De Souza said the west African force, which includes tanks, has so far met no resistance.
Banjul, the capital, was deserted on Friday.

Dozens of vultures spread their wings on the large ground outside State House, and a lone cyclist, perhaps one of the few remaining tourists in the country, made the most of the empty roads.

The country’s chief of defence staff, Ousman Badjie, was seen speeding in the direction of Banjul. He has switched allegiance several times over the past month, and was celebrating with Barrow supporters in the streets last night.

It is unclear what side he and the military would take in the event of an Ecowas attack on State House, though most sources believed he was no longer with Jammeh.

The twitter handle of Charles Onyango-Obbot @cobbo3 said “ Jammeh asks for deadline extension – from midday (local time) to 4pm!
He’s not done packing #Gambia

Source: vanguardngr

Trump Solidarity Rally: Pro-Biafra Agitators, Soldiers Clash, Scores Wounded, Many dead. (Photos)

Scores Wounded As Pro-Biafra Agitators, Soldiers Clash In Rivers

Scores of members of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) were yesterday wondered when they clashed with men of the 6 Division, Nigeria Army, Port Harcourt, along Aba Road in Port Harcourt, the Rivers State capital.

IPOB members, drawn from Abia, Akwa Ibom, Anambra, Cross River Imo and some parts of Rivers State had converged along Aba Road with the aim of marching into Port Harcourt to celebrate the inauguration of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States of America.

The protesters, who were also calling for the release of detained IPOB leader and director of Radio Biafra, Nnamdi Kanu, and were carrying American, Israeli and Biafran flags and chanting “All we are saying, give us Biafra”, marched through the streets towards the city centre.

LEADERSHIP Weekend gathered the procession was very peaceful until hoodlums infiltrated the crowd and started harrasing motorists and commuters, blocking an entire stretch of the dual-carriage Aba-Port Harcourt, as well as snatching handsets and handbags from commuters.

However, the event turned bloody around Artillery Junction area of Aba Road, when soldiers arrested no fewer than seven of the protesters, leading to a clash between them and the security agents.

In the melee that followed, scores of protesters, who were mostly youths were received gunshot wounds, with some in critical condition.

In a short message service (SMS) to newsmen, IPOB’s spokesman, Emma Powerful, alleged that no fewer than 11 members of the pro-Biafra group have been shot dead by security operatives.

The SMS reads, “They have attacked our people; 11 have been confirmed dead, many others have bullet wounds.”

Powerful claimed that the attack was carried out by the police, the army and the Department of State Services (DSS), beside First Artillery junction, Port-Hacourt.

Monday 9 January 2017


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Saturday 7 January 2017

Pastor Adeboye Still Remains the G.O of Redeem World Wide, Pastor Obayemi to be Nigeria G.O

Pastor E.A Adeboye has appointed Pastor Joseph Obayemi to lead the Redeemed Christian Church of God Nigeria.

Obayemi will be the 'national overseer' while Adeboye remains the general overseer worldwide.

Adeboye retires as RCCG G.O. and Obayemi has been named as successor

Earlier report had it that Adeboye has retired as the general overseer of the church.

However, a statement signed by Leke Adeboye, the clergyman's last son clarified that Adeboye remains the general overseer, Worldwide of RCCG while Obayemi will be leading the RCCG Nigeria.

According to him, the development was in line with the new legal requirements set up by the Financial Regulations Council, guiding all registered churches, mosques, and CSOs.

"The regulation stipulates that heads of non profit organisations like churches now have a maximum period of twenty years to lead their organizations while in retirement, they are not permitted to hand over to their families ," the statement read.

Here is also the letter written by Pastor Adeboye to inform the new appointees of their new roles in the ministry.

Before his appointment, Obayemi was the former special assistant to the general overseer on finance.

Pastor Johnson Odesola, who was the special assistant on administration and personnel, was also appointed as the church secretary.

Recall that last year, the church said those calling for his retirement because of his age were ignorant of the church’s doctrine.

Adeboye, 74, was appointed general overseer of the church in 1991, taking over from Papa Akindayomi, who had died the previous year.

Nigerians have since reacted to the news about the appointment of a new head for the church in Nigeria as some expressed deep shock on hearing the news.